The heartbeat of church life is small group ministry. We encourage everyone to not only worship together on Sundays, but to gather with a small group regularly for study, prayer, support, and accountability. Small groups are a primary and vital connection in caring for one another.
There is no need to register for any of the opportunities listed. Simply show up and you will be welcomed!
Still have questions, email and we will help you get connected!
Sojourn meets weekly on Mondays at 10:00 a.m. at COTS and via Zoom. The group additionally meets on the 3rd Monday of every month at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom. Sojourn is open to all women and focused on Bible study and prayer, with shared leadership.
This group meets weekly at 10:00 a.m. via Zoom. The group studies a variety of topics and books of the Bible, including special studies during Advent and Lent.
This Bible study focuses on various biblical passages each week, as well as shares a time of song and prayer
This Bible study includes short-term studies led by clergy and meets weekly at 6:30 p.m. at COTS.
Spiritual Fitness Prayer and Study Group meets on Saturday mornings at 8:15 a.m. at COTS. This group nurtures growing Christian faith by reading and discussing books of the Bible and contemporary religious books, plus prayer based on the church list and our personal concerns.
There is no need to register for any of the opportunities listed. Simply show up and you will be welcomed!
Still have questions, email and we will help you get connected!
This class includes couples and singles who are middle to older age. Class members take turns leading the discussion which is based on a study book selected by the class.
The Kingsley class is comprised of mostly seniors, both couples and singles. With guest or member presenters, they address topics of current interest from a Christian perspective.
This class is designed to be a witness through our learning and sharing of the Bible. This study enhances our ability to witness to others as we explore such themes as creation, justice, tradition, community, and the saving power of Jesus Christ.
The Seekers Sunday school class is a traditional Bible study group. All are invited to become part of the class, learning together, as they study God’s Holy Word, while sharing with and uplifting one another.
This new Sunday small group is designed for adults in their 30s-early 50s. The group will discuss the weekly sermon theme/scripture and how to apply it to our lives.
This group is a place of open discussion as we reflect upon the week’s sermon. The members are encouraged to bring their experiences, questions, and musings to the “table” as we discuss the real, and often messy, truth of life. This group is mostly younger adults, ranging from 20s-40s.
This Sunday school class includes middle-aged couples and singles. Class members take turns leading the discussion based on a study book selected by the class.
This group meets for Bible study, Christian book discussions and prayer. Sessions are open and interactive, rather than a teacher lecturing. We encourage each other to grow in Christ, supporting each other in study and prayer through the ups and downs of life. Occasional social gatherings extend our group fellowship beyond Sunday mornings.
This group meets on the 3rd Sunday of each month and discusses the sermon topic/scripture and the Rooted devotional content.