* Taizé Service – 7:00 pm, Sanctuary
Traditional Worship – 12:00 pm, Myers Chapel
8:00 am, Myers Chapel
Communion Service with Palms — 8:30 am, Myers Chapel
* ** Modern Worship with Palms — 9:30 am, Great Hall
* ** Traditional Worship with Palms — 11:00 am, Sanctuary
* Evensong Worship — 7:00 pm, Sanctuary
Soup Supper — 6:00 pm, Great Hall
* ** Modern Worship with Holy Communion — 7:00 pm, Great Hall
* Tenebrae Service — 7:00 pm, Sanctuary
* Easter Vigil — 9:00 pm, Sanctuary
Sunrise Service — 6:30 am, Front Lawn
Traditional Worship with Holy Communion — 8:30 am, Myers Chapel
* ** Modern Worship — 9:30 am, Great Hall
* ** Traditional Worship — 11:00 am, Sanctuary
Communion Service with Palms, 8:30am
Modern Worship with Palms, 9:30am
Traditional Worship with Palms, 11:00am
Lenten Prayer & Eucharist, 7:30am
Soup Supper, 6:00pm
Modern Worship with Holy Communion, 6:30pm
Tenebrae Service & Livestream, 7:00pm
Easter Vigil, 7:00pm
Sunrise Service on the Front Lawn, 6:30am
Chapel Service with Holy Communion, 8:30am
Modern Worship, 9:30am
Sanctuary Service, 11:00am
* Livestream available.
** Childcare available.